Is it also possible to integrate a book cover? I mean a Title-Picture?
That will be nice
Is it also possible to integrate a book cover? I mean a Title-Picture?
That will be nice
Is it also possible to integrate a book cover? I mean a Title-Picture?
That will be nice
Normaly look at the Download-Page, than klick on Stable.As there are so many version, I would like to know which is the most stable one.
Thanks for the explanation. I understand, why you chose this way. Normaly standard spellchecking on most Linux Systems works with aspell (old, works fine in english - but in others its horrible). Than there are many many more Spellchecking Systems, that can also used directly in the Operating System (Stardict, Goldendict aso.). In this way, Linux goes the BSD/MacOs/Fedora/Mint (I must correct me, meanwhile they use native hunspell, no aspell anymore like Ubuntu) way to integrated something - but it's a mess. Grab out from Fourth Party Software (from Mozilla or OpenOffice Family's or something else) made no sense. I think also, that ist the best way to use it under (most) Linux-Systems and Windows.When we designed the app, we decide to embed in KIT our own copy of Hunspell and store dictionaries. This not a true Linux way, but in my opinion, it's more user-friendly because users don't need care about some 3rd party stuff which can be preinstalled or not in their systems. They just turn on the checkbox and choose a language to spelling and it works![]()
$ scenarist
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
qt5ct: using qt5ct plugin
qt5ct: palette support is disabled
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 2
QWidget::render: Cannot render with an inactive painter
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with threads started with QThread
the menu entry and the icon are missing
Can you post a screenshot with a problem? Not sure that I understand what you mean...
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=soundkonverter %U
GenericName=Audio file converter, CD ripper and Replay Gain tool
GenericName[ca]=Convertidor d'arxius d'àudio, extractor de CD i eina Replay Gain
GenericName[cs]=Převaděč zvukových souborů, vytahovač stop z CD a nástroj na vyrovnání hlasitosti přehrávaných skladeb
GenericName[de]=Audio-Datei Konverter, CD Ripper und Replay Gain Werkzeug
GenericName[es]=Conversor de archivos de audio, extractor de CD y herramienta Replay Gain
GenericName[es_AR]=Conversor de archivos de audio, extractor de CD y herramienta Replay Gain
GenericName[et]=Helifailide teisendaja, CD-rippija ja helitugevuse parandustööriist
GenericName[fr]=Convertisseur de fichiers audio, extracteur de CD et outil de Replay Gain
GenericName[hu]=Audiofájl-konverter, CD-beolvasó és hangerő-korrekciós eszköz
GenericName[it]=Convertitore di file audio, estrattore di CD e strumento Replay Gain
GenericName[nl]=Audiobestanden-converter, CD-ripper en Replay Gain-gereedschap
GenericName[pl]=Konwerter plików audio, ripper płyt CD i narzędzie Replay Gain
GenericName[pt]=Conversor de áudio, extração de CD e análise Replay Gain
GenericName[pt_BR]=Conversor de arquivo de áudio, extração de CD e ferramenta Replay Gain
GenericName[ro]=Convertor de fișiere audio, uneltă de extras CD-uri si aplicat Replay Gain
GenericName[ru]=Аудиоконвертер, CD-риппер и инструмент выравнивания громкости
GenericName[sl]=Pretvornik zvočni datotek, zajemalnik CD-jev in orodje za jakost predvajanja
GenericName[sv]=Ljudfilkonverterare, CD-rippare och Replay Gain-verktyg
GenericName[zh_TW]=音樂格式轉換、CD 擷取、播放增益工具
I mean a menu entry e.g. for the desktop and the start menu.