
Today we have the next update - KIT Scenarist 0.7.2 beta 7. This is not the last beta, as I would like ... Unfortunately, in the last couple of months there was very little free time, so the beta did not include all the features that I wanted to add, but nevertheless, we have something new:

Added the ability to restore the script from a backup! You can do it through the new "Tools" tab. For this you need:
- open a project whose text is missing or damaged;
- go to the "Tools" tab and choose from the list of available tools "Restore from Backup" (this is the only one tool yet, but in the future, this list will be grown);
- after that, a list of backup copies of the project available for recovery in the view "Backup date [backup size]" will appear. The size of the backup can help to see the border of the event when part of the text or the entire text has been deleted;
- select the appropriate backup from the list and click the restore button in the toolbar at the top;
- after that, you can return to work with the restored text of the script.


Also in this update were added bookmarks. You can add or remove a bookmark via the context menu in any paragraph of the text, and open the bookmarks browser through the menu for activating additional panels in the navigator.


In addition, the following improvements were made:
- now when exporting to PDF, you can add watermarks to the document;
- improved automatic text corrections in the continuation of dialogues;
- now in the entire application used icons of a single style;
- fixed the problem of importing the project title, title page and real names of characters from kitsp-files;
- fixed the problem of saving images in the cloud;
- the script import from DOCX-files is slightly improved;
- now, if the automatic installation of the update cannot be performed, the program will offer a link for manually downloading the update file;
- fixed the problem with dropping scene numbers when importing from fountain files;
- fixed the problem of working with multi-line editorial notes;
- translations of the program into Turkish and Hungarian are added.

Have a nice day!

Gelöschtes Mitglied 5339

Hello @dimkanovikov,
I have not used the programm for quite some time. My latest version is 0.7.2 Beta 4. When I opend it today, it tried to update to Beta 7 but could not install the program. Do I have to install the versions prior to Beta 7 first? I just remember that the update has not worked some time ago. I use Ubutu 16.4 LTS - just in case the information helps you. :)

Thanks for the effort! Have a good time!
Peter :)
Hello @PeBu34,

Thanks for the information! Yes, it looks like a problem with installing an update (I will recheck this functionality for Linux version). If it not works, you can manually download the new version from the site.

Gelöschtes Mitglied 5339

Good morning, @dimkanovikov! :)
thank you very much for your answer! I will try to update later and tell you how it worked.

Have a good time.
Peter :)

Update KIT Scenarist 0.7.2 beta 8 is ready and already available for download! In this update, we added a few production-specific features, but in which the screenwriter takes a direct part, and also we fixed some problems.


What's under the hood?
- added the ability to lock scene numbers;
- added the ability to specify a custom number for the locked scene;
- added the ability to specify the start number of scenes for the script in the section Research - Script;
- setting the prefix of the scene numbers also moved to the script parameters in the Research and now displayed not only in export, but will also directly in the script editor;
- also fixed the problem with the prefix of the scene numbers when exporting the script;
- added the ability to specify a color for any research document, and the colors assigned to the characters are also displayed opposite their dialogues in the script editor;
- the option of highlighting blocks now also takes into account the colors of scenes and replicas;
- in the script, you can now set the color for several scenes selected in the navigator simultaneously;
- improved automatic splitting of dialogues on page breaks;
- fixed problems with saving words in the user dictionary of spelling check;
- fixed the detected synchronization problems in the cloud service.


Robert Kerick
I'm writing a scene in Kit Scenarist right now. Unfortunately, I have the problem that unintentional paragraphs between the formatting "dialogue" and "character" have crept. This creates a gap between the dialogue partners, wasting space unnecessarily. However, if I want to close this gap (by deleting the dialog lines), the following character (narrator) is automatically formatted as a dialog. If I change the formatting in hindsight back to "character" again this unwanted paragraph appears. Can someone help me with the problem?

Ich schreibe gerade an einer Szene in Kit Scenarist. Ich habe leider das Problem, dass sich ungewollt Absätze zwischen den Formatierungen "Dialog" und "Charakter" eingeschlichen haben. Dadurch entsteht zwischen den Dialogpartnern eine Lücke, die unnötig Platz verschwendet. Wenn ich allerdings diese Lücke (durch löschen der Dialogzeilen) schließen möchte, wird der darauf folgende Charakter (Erzähler) automatisch als Dialog formatiert. Ändere ich die Formatierung im Nachhinein zurück in "Charakter" erscheint erneut dieser ungewollte Absatz. Kann mir jemand bei dem Problem weiterhelfen?



Space-Opera ist ein musss!
Hast du die Löschtaste oder die Rücklöschtaste verwendet? Könnte sein das da ein Unterschied in der Anwendung entsteht.


Space-Opera ist ein musss!
OK, in dem Fall dürfte das etwas für die Entwickler sein, denke ich. Hatte nur mein kleines Western-Skript damit geschrieben, da hatte ich auch ein paar Merkwürdigkeiten zu verzeichnen. Normalerweise verwende ich DramaQueen.
Ich schreibe gerade an einer Szene in Kit Scenarist. Ich habe leider das Problem, dass sich ungewollt Absätze zwischen den Formatierungen "Dialog" und "Charakter" eingeschlichen haben. Dadurch entsteht zwischen den Dialogpartnern eine Lücke, die unnötig Platz verschwendet. Wenn ich allerdings diese Lücke (durch löschen der Dialogzeilen) schließen möchte, wird der darauf folgende Charakter (Erzähler) automatisch als Dialog formatiert. Ändere ich die Formatierung im Nachhinein zurück in "Charakter" erscheint erneut dieser ungewollte Absatz. Kann mir jemand bei dem Problem weiterhelfen?


Hello, Phollux. Can you try to move the cursor to the start of the second character name and press backspace twice? It works?


Robert Kerick
Hello Dimkanovikov,
okay I did it, but unfortunately it didn't work.
The cursor and the charakter name jump into the dialogline of the first charakter name. The format switches into dialogue but the second charakter keeps the bold format.
Look like I don't understand what you mean properly... Can you provide some more detailed screenshots? For example screenshot after the first backspace and after second etc?

For a long time, we did not have new versions, so it's time to get ready! :)

Unfortunately, version 0.7.2 beta 9 did not include everything that I wanted, for example, double dialogues did not distribute into update... The reason is that this is a rather complicated functional, on which I honestly say, was buried. Realizing that for more than two weeks I have been doing this and I'm not even in the middle of the road, I decided that we need to review the plan and adjust the route. In any case, this functionality will be in the program, not in this, either in one of the future versions.

From the new it turns out that we have only one major addition - it is possible to create versions of the script and compare them.


It works as follows - when you start the project, the program thinks that you started the first version of the script. When you have finished it, in the menu you will find the item "Start new version", by clicking which, you can specify the color of the new version (in the future we plan to make automatic revisions of all versions based on these colors) and set its name. That's all. Now you are already working on the next version. Then, again and again, you can create as many versions as you need.

After you have accumulated several versions and you want to compare them, you can follow to the tools module, select a tool with the appropriate name and compare the desired versions of the script. In this case, new pieces of text will be highlighted in green, deleted in red, and for the changed pieces, two blocks will be displayed one with the old text, and the second with the new one.

Plus, the way to fill out the cards has been changed. Now in edit mode for each card, you can see both its title and the heading of the scene.

Plus, we have some bug fixes:
- fixed the problem with the freezing of the program, when the block highlighting tuned on;
- fixed the problem with adding cards without a title, but with a description;
- fixed the problem with updating the card description, which in some cases was not deleted;
- fixed the problem with resetting the currently active cell in the mental map editor;
- improved the work of spelling dictionaries;
- changed behavior of the appearance of a side panel with formats in the Zen mode - now it appears, when you move the cursor to the edge of the screen;
- fixed the problem with keeping transparent background for png-images in the gallery;
- when creating a project in a non-existent folder, the program will try to create it automatically;
- when exporting to FDX format, the title page is now also saved;
- fixed the problem with running the program in newer versions of Linux distributions;
- translations of the program into Italian and Azerbaijani languages were added;
- minor improvements to the interface (update information is removed from the program menu, some panels are re-arranged).

Such things guys. I hope future versions will not force themselves to wait so long! ;)

And we have an update! Today, finally, we will move the latest beta version to the release candidate status!

In the current version, we made several improvements over the previous beta:
- improved program performance when working with script text;
- fixed problem with drawing the cursor (for Hebrew and Farsi fixed problem with positioning the cursor in the empty line);
- fixed problem with slowing down the typewriter sounds;
- fixed a problem with importing a DOCX document, when character dialogues were defined as actions;
- improved export of documents to PDF and DOCX;
- improved import and export in the fountain format.

If you have not been updated for a long time and have not followed the development of the program, then you can take a look at what was added to it on the way from version 0.7.1 to version 0.7.2:

Beta 1 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2017-11-10.html
Beta 2 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2017-11-12.html
Beta 3 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-01-07.html
Beta 4 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-01-08.html
Beta 5 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-01-23.html
Beta 6 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-03-14.html
Beta 7 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-05-15.html
Beta 8 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-06-19.html
Beta 9 - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-09-17.html
Beta 9A - https://kitscenarist.ru/en/history/2018-09-30.html

All further improvements in the current version will include only improvements in performance and fixing of detected errors. All new features will be added in the next version 0.8.0.

In fact, it’s getting harder for me to support the project every day, so now I’m thinking about how it could be done so that on the one hand the project could develop and on the other hand I wouldn’t have to be torn between my main job, my family and KIT. Perhaps you have ideas or suggestions on how to do this - welcome to discussions or private messaging!
Hi everybody!

And here is the first patch of KIT Scenarist 0.7.2 rc2, correcting the work of the previous release.

And in it:
- fixed problem with displaying the cursor in the documents of the research module
- fixed problem with undoing last action
- improved saving of review marks in the script editor
- fixed problem with disappearing review marks
- fixed problems with project synchronization in some cases

And the program has updated Courier Prime font. We have added to it the full support of the Azerbaijani language as well!

Further, according to the plan, we will have several updates of the mobile version. It is necessary to deliver there all the current developments and optimization, add the ability to work with versions of the script, and it's time to embed cards in it;)

Have a nice day!