AW: Euer momentaner Lieblingssong
Oha, ein Thread wie für mich gemacht!!

Also, meine momentanen Ohrwürmer:
NINE INCH NAILS - 'All that could have been'
(Achtung, blutiges Video

..und genialer Text, wie immer vom Herrn Reznor!)
..I know you tried to rescue me .. Didn't let anyone get in .. Left with a trace of all that was ... And all that could have been ...
FALL OUT BOY - 'Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes'
...Imperfect boys with their perfect lifes ... Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy
NINE INCH NAILS - 'Right Where It Belongs'
...are you sure what side of the glass you´re on?
und weil´s so schön war, noch einer von NIN..., Gott, der Mann hat ja sooo Recht!

..empfehle jedem einen Blick auf die Lyrics, da kann man noch was lernen!
Nine Inch Nails - 'Everyday Is Exactly The Same'
... A little bit comes bleeding through ... every day is exactly the same