
Der auf den Bus wartet
Hallo @MonacoSteve

Also bei mir gibt es eine Nummerierung der Takes in KitScenarist. Kann natürlich sein, das die Standardmässig nicht an ist.

Wenn Du von Nummerierung der Takes sprichst, meinst Du das Feature aus den beiden Schreenshots?

Oder willst Du einen Button im Editor (Schreibfenster) dafür? Oder meinst Du etwas anderes?



Hello @MonacoSteve

Well, for me there is a numbering of the takes in KitScenarist. Of course, it may be that it is not on by default.

When you talk about numbering the takes, do you mean the feature from the two screenshots?

Or do you want a button in the editor (writing window) for it? Or do you mean something else?



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Der auf den Bus wartet
Hi ihr :)

Also ich hab mir die KIT Software gestern mal runter geladen um meinen normalen Prozess (unordentliche Word Dateien) mal etwas zu vereinfachen aber irgendwie macht das Ding Probleme.

Kann man den Kartenplan und oder die Szenenstruktur nach dem Planen nicht mehr ändern ? irgendwie schieben sich die Szenen immer in einander und ich kann sie nicht mehr trennen, was zu totaler Verzweiflung und Vernichtung führt :D

Vielleicht könnt ihr mir da was sagen.

Lucas :)

Hi @DerLucas98,

kann es sein das Du dasselbe Problem hast, was weiter vorne schon mal beschrieben wurde? @Phollux schrieb als Lösung damals das.



Dipl.-Lachfalter - und nicht ganz Dichter
Ah, OK. Dann war mein Vorschlag überflüssig.
So weit bin ich überhaupt nie gekommen, eine normale Szene (oder sogar mehrere) in diesem Programm zu schreiben. Ich bin schon vorher kläglich gescheitert.
Ah, OK. Then my suggestion was superfluous.
I never got that far writing a normal scene (or even several) in KIT Scenarist. I have already badly failed before.
Aha, got it. Yes, dialogues numbering is a feature that will be presented.

What about writing templates? Does BBC Radio and/or US Radio Drama formats are actual these days? Or there is no standard template for writing? What about calculating the duration of the scripts? Does Radio Drama have some specific rules to estimate script duration?


Sprecher, Cutter & Fledermaus
Does Radio Drama have some specific rules to estimate script duration?

I calculate the approximated duration of a script as "About one minute per script page".

Mabe you take a look into our Shorties section Shorties - Kurzskripte. There are a lot of different scripts from a lot of different authors available for download. Maybe this will help you to condense a common layout.

Best regards,


Aff un zo jeht et uns jar nit schlääsch!
как дел Dimitri!

Would it be too much to ask, to write in Markdown and your application is "rendering" it in formatted different script layouts? Like a layout for a movie script, one for theater and of course, at least one for a radio-play.? ;)

Are you going to use a kind of an agile approach? So some of us could give you feedback sprint by sprint so you are sure to develop "the right thing". Would that be helpful for you?

Just my 2 cents.


Der auf den Bus wartet
как дел Dimitri!

Would it be too much to ask, to write in Markdown and your application is "rendering" it in formatted different script layouts? Like a layout for a movie script, one for theater and of course, at least one for a radio-play.? ;)

Are you going to use a kind of an agile approach? So some of us could give you feedback sprint by sprint so you are sure to develop "the right thing". Would that be helpful for you?

Just my 2 cents.

Hallo @Spirit328

Die Anwendung Kit Scenarist kann Fountain Skripte importieren. Das ist eine Markdown Variante für Filmdrehbücher.

Ich schreibe in einem x beliebigen Texteditor meine Fountain Skripte und importiere sie in Kit Scenarist, um sie dort fertig zu formatieren. Das funktioniert sehr gut.

Oder meinst Du einen reinen Markdownmodus zum an abschalten direkt in der Software Kit Scenarist?

Grüße Kubi

Hello Spirit328

The Kit Scenarist application can import Fountain scripts. This is a Markdown variant for film scripts.

I write my Fountain scripts in a text editor and import them into Kit Scenarist to finish formatting them there. This works very well.

Or do you mean a pure markdown mode to turn on/off directly in the software Kit Scenarist?

greetings Kubi

Hello @dimkanovikov ,

I don't know if there are regulations for radio plays in Germany for scripts from the radio stations - as there are for the BBC. In film yes, but for radio plays - I don't know. That is a question for others who work for radio stations.

Some ideas for possible "extensions" of a future software to think about. I hope some of them make sense.


A Timer for Pomodoro
Some authors use the Pomodoro technique to concentrate only on writing for some time. To be able to use this method, it would be good to have a freely adjustable alarm clock in the software.

Distraction-free writing
Highlighting the line with the cursor in full screen mode.

Plotting: In addition to the free index card mode, one could also offer various templates for plotting with index cards (e.g. Blake Snyder: Save the Cat Beatsheet or a 7-point structure or other systems).

Inspiration: A micronational name generator for characters and places would also be interesting.


Single Role Export
Export of takes of a single role with take numbers. Currently you can export the takes of a role individually, but without a take number from the script. I would sometimes find it quite practical to give an actor only his dialogue. Then he doesn't have to scroll through the script while recording. For consultation, however, the number of the take would be important. There is an explanatory screenshot below.

A credits export editor consisting of
- Logline (a short text describing what the script is about, similar to what is written on the back of a book or a film advertising)
- Export of the role names and the real actor names as well as the other people involved (authors, editors,Musician).

- Sound and music numbering. Sometimes we discuss sounds and it is easier to say: "sound number 24". Currently the sounds are taken out of the numbering.

So far my ideas...

best regards



Aff un zo jeht et uns jar nit schlääsch!
Looks like I should re-read the manual. <grmpfl*=(§=!)/!=)%/§/(")> :)



@Mr_Kubi @alle

In diesem ...
wurde als Tool für Script-Lektoren MS-Word (Menüoption "Überprüfen") benutzt.

Bietet KIT-Scenarist (o.ä.) eine solche "Lektoren Option", soll heißen, womit Anmerkungen in einem Script direkt im Editor (jedoch mit spezieller Formatierung) vorgenommen werden können?
Hinweise werden dankbar angenommen :)
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Der auf den Bus wartet
@BoBo Zu Deiner Frage bzgl. eines Lektorenmodus

Es gibt einen Überarbeitungsmodus (Überprüfung). Den habe ich bisher noch nie benutzt. Aber er sieht so aus als könnte ein Lektor das gut nutzen. Aber natürlich bräuchte der Lektor auch die Software. Habe ich mal eben ausprobiert. Siehe Screenshot:


Beste Grüße


Super! Herzlichen Dank für deine Mühe 🤝🙏

Was nun natürlich die Frage aufwirft, wie heißt die Software mit welcher du die Screenshots so anschaulich (y) 'verkommentierst'?? :unsure:
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Ich muss mal blöd fragen...welches ist denn zur Zeit die aktuellste Version und wo kann ich sie noch mal bekommen? 🙈
I calculate the approximated duration of a script as "About one minute per script page".

Mabe you take a look into our Shorties section Shorties - Kurzskripte. There are a lot of different scripts from a lot of different authors available for download. Maybe this will help you to condense a common layout.
Thanks for your answers, Marcel!

как дел Dimitri!

Would it be too much to ask, to write in Markdown and your application is "rendering" it in formatted different script layouts? Like a layout for a movie script, one for theater and of course, at least one for a radio-play.? ;)

Are you going to use a kind of an agile approach? So some of us could give you feedback sprint by sprint so you are sure to develop "the right thing". Would that be helpful for you?
Hello, my friend! Everything is fine, thanks! :)

In my experience, most authors want to see the script in a way it will be printed out, so not planned yet to implement a markdown-like writing style, just WYSIWYG editor.

Of course, I will publish release by release, not every two weeks as a classical sprint duration, but something about one time every month. I plan to start working on the Audio Drama/Podcast module at the beginning of 2022, so, feedback is very appreciated as always!

Some ideas for possible "extensions" of a future software to think about. I hope some of them make sense.
Thanks a lot for your ideas!

What about general things - most of them we plan to implement.

Single Role Export
Does it handy for actors to see just their own takes and not to see takes of partner and context of the scene? Maybe better will be to generate a script with all dialogues of concrete character highlighted with a, say, yellow highlighter?

A credits export editor consisting of
Do you mean add credits on the title page? Or on some other part of the script?

Sound and music numbering
Should sound numbering be continuous with dialogues numbers? In the US Drama template, for example, I see that all script paragraphs (except scenes titles) have their own number, and all of them are continuous...
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Der auf den Bus wartet
Does it handy for actors to see just their own takes and not to see takes of partner and context of the scene? Maybe better will be to generate a script with all dialogues of concrete character highlighted with a, say, yellow highlighter?

That's a good idea, that you see/export the dialogue + sound and stage directions related to the role, but not the whole script. If that's feasible, it would be great. Then for small roles you can say, here's your text - without the actor having to read through 100 pages.

Do you mean add credits on the title page? Or on some other part of the script?

No, I don't mean that in terms of the script, but in terms of the production of the film or radio play.
I imagine it as a collection of the names of all those involved, which can then be quickly exported into a credit format.
Be it as a text file, as we use in our radio plays, or as an import file for Final Cut or Adobe Premiere. I don't know if there are import regulations.
In our radio plays, for example, such a text file looks like this (But it is not specified exactly):

Kaiser Nero ist langweilig. Auch die Muse will den Imperator nicht wirklich küssen.Dafür verlangt seine Mutter, dass er sich um die Speisekarte eines abendlichen Bankettes kümmert. Wird das den Kaiser inspirieren?

Credits zum Kurzhörspiel "Ein Eis für Nero"

NERO: Dominik Alexander Klein
AGRIPPINA: Anja Klukas
LUPUS: Stefan Hartlein
FLIXIUS: Mike Schlünzen

SKRIPT: Sascha Kubath

SCHNITT: Mike Schlünzen

SOUNDS: Sounds von unter cc Lizenz


Dieses Hörspiel entstand im Jahr 2020 im Rahmen einer Kurzhörspielchallenge zum Thema "Eiszeit" - auf

Das Hörspiel steht unter cc Lizenz.
Should sound numbering be continuous with dialogues numbers? In the US Drama template, for example, I see that all script paragraphs (except scenes titles) have their own number, and all of them are continuous...

I think the numbering should be consecutive with the numbers of the dialogue. It is important to have a number for the sound/music. It might be useful to be able to activate this feature extra in the options, if necessary.
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Voice Actor und Hörspielautor
Hello, friends!

New Story Architect version with the Audio Drama module published. Feel free to check it out and send me your feedback / bug reports / ideas.

Have a nice day!
So is that the new scenarist? I had no time, to read now the whole thread.
Will we have the possibility to add pictures to characters?

In a single role export, it would be nice, that you have the optional button to export with it:
Scene description
Dialogue upfront and after the role.

Mayb when the location board comes. An panning simulator?
So that the author can set people, sounds and such in the location as bubbles and move them accordingly to the numbers.